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5 Tax Mistakes

Corrected for you with Two Companies

Please accept training to explore-know the math


When we started to consult business owners, we looked to see what most owners complained about in their businesses taxes -- then set out to correct the mistakes they pointed out. 


These mistakes were: Spending a dime to save a penny. Lack of choices. Subject matter experts, and Slow action.  


We overcame them one by one. And that changed the whole situation. Owners by the 100s flocked to Safe Haven. It gained most favored business tax strategy almost immediately amongst our community.



Battle Tested Results to back it

We're wealth experts as you know. Our Duel Company Strategy is a leading tax structure of the nation.

We made and discarded dozens of formulas before we offered Tax Tailoring Toolkit.

Into it we embodied the supreme desires of a 1000 entrepreneurs in a strategy. Then added strong flexibility, the superlative requisite of all.


We developed 5 strategies - supplanted 5 old mistakes with amazing advantages.


You may agree that it's the finest strategy owners will ever know-or you may not. But in justice to us both, won't you get the training and find out?

Five mistakes corrected

During tax time, you typically react to existing tax liabilities, leaving little room to eliminate your tax bill.

1. Spends a dime too save a penny

Don't go out of your way to spend more so you "save" more in taxes like buying a Range Rover. Tax Tailoring Toolkit takes what you'd spend anyways and multiplies itself in deductions 7 timesfold than common business setups. A tiny bit, just 1% or less of revenue suffices for a tax bill when used correctly.

2. Lack of choices

The right structuring and know how plans and spends its tax savings rather than reacting in April when its too late to do anything. Plan ahead of time and access pre-tax dollars.

3. Subject matter experts

That is due to one-trick professionals. Well rounded experts are essential to support the Duel Company Strategy for upleveling tax elimination. Well rounded experts are strong...they stand up the structuring for tax slashing. Rather than reacting to what already is a liability. 

4. Slow Action

Tax Tailoring Toolkit acts as a elite planner in 90 minutes or less. Within that time ​the Duel Company Strategy absorbs 99% or more of a liability when being fully utilized.

In this program we cover

How to Structure 
for Tax Elimination

Unique Tax Slashing Opportunities

New & Existing Businesses

Take the mystery out of the tax code, to unravel of unnecessary complexities and make them as simple as possible. You''ll be able to assemble the pieces and facts together.

We'll explore some of the exclusive tax saving opportunities only available to certain company structures not available to everyone else. 

We'll demonstrate how to use this process for both new and existing businesses. This framework will allow you to reduce taxes for the long haul.

We teach the full stack

We prioritize your business's tax savings, liability protection, privacy, succession, and low-maintenance. Our approach considers all five factors. Unlike traditional options like stand alone Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, C corps, or S corps, we tailor a unique solution for you, the Dual Company Strategy.

Operating Business

Privacy Holding Company

Here's how it works

Remember, the two companies are two different persons (a company is "an artificial person established by law"). We teach you everything you need to succeed in the Dual Company Strategy.

Income Splitting

facilitating the distribution of income between the entities to leverage lower tax rates and optimize tax deductions

that isn't possible with just one company.

Tax Deferred Investing

Investments that grow tax deferred in a company retirement plan. You may also borrow against the account's worth tax free.

Estate Planning

Add a layer of privacy, separate ownership, minimize estate taxes and ensure a smooth succession of ownership for your heirs.

In our program, "Tax Tailoring Toolbox," you're not just staring at a screen. We'll explore, evaluate and determine the optimal tax slashing structuring for your business. By the workshop's conclusion, you'll possess the knowledge to leverage these structures effectively, ultimately maximizing your profit—After all, isn't that what successful business is about?


  • 6 bite-sized implementation stages
  • 12 Month Access to the Course
  • Q/A Portion Live Workshop/Recording
  • Glossary, Roadmap, Workbooks, & more for download


General Admission | $97

Safe Haven Gold, Silver & Copper Members | Complimentary

Who this is 

  •  You are not an action taker

  • You have a bad attitude with change

  • You are not profit minded

  • You are too cheap to fix expensive problems

  • You would rather pay more in taxes


Either you can afford it or you can't

Secure your access now for the toolkit

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